Teaching at the Institute of Economic Policy

© Foto: Bodo Kremmin / LUH

The Institute of Economic Policy offers lectures and seminars on basic areas of Economics

(major and minor),

on Economic Policy in the elective area (Bachelor, 3 years),

on the specialised subjects labour economics, public finance and economic theory (Bachelor, 4 years)

as well as in the Master-majors Economic Policy and Theory, Health Economics and Development and Environment for teaching.

The Institute of Economic Policy offers lectures and seminars on basic areas of Economics

(major and minor),

on Economic Policy in the elective area (Bachelor, 3 years),

on the specialised subjects labour economics, public finance and economic theory (Bachelor, 4 years)

as well as in the Master-majors Economic Policy and Theory, Health Economics and Development and Environment for teaching.

Degree Programmes with Lectures of the Institute







Courses in the current semester

  • Winter term 2024/2025

    Bachelor Wirtschaftswissenschaft

    Kompetenzbereich Empirische Wirtschaftsforschung

    • Wiederholungstutorium zu Empirische Wirtschaftsforschung (270073)

      Fr. 12:45 - 14:15 | I-301Meier

      Wiederholung der Vorlesungsinhalte der Veranstaltung Empirische Wirtschaftsforschung zur Vorbereitung auf die Wiederholungsklausur. Die Wiederholung erfolgt anhand von Übungsaufgaben.


      Das Tutorium findet in der 18., 20. und 22. KW statt.

    Kompetenzbereich Volkswirtschaftslehre

    • Seminar in Innovationsökonomik (272047)

      BlockveranstaltungPiehl, Stoczek

      Wir diskutieren verhaltensökonomische Themen rund um Innovation. Details können dem Seminarsteckbrief entnommen werden.


      Prüferin: Prof. Dr. Schröder

    • Behavioral Economics (272054)

      Di. 09:15 - 10:45 | I-301Schröder

      Topics discussed in the course include:

      • basic concepts of behavioral theory
      • risk preferences
      • intertemporal choice
      • social preferences
      • beliefs
      • nudging
      • further current topics

      A list of relevant literature will be published during the semester.

    • Exercise Behavioral Economics (272055)

      Mi. 11:00 - 12:30 | I-332 (Gruppe 1)Piehl, Stoczek
      Do. 09:15 - 10:45 | I-332 (Gruppe 2)Piehl, Stoczek

      The exercise will repeat important topics from the lecture.

    • Colloquium Data Processing and Analysis (272074)

      Mo. 11:00 - 12:30 | I-233Göhausen, Püttmann

      The webpage of the Institute of Economic Policy provides detailed information on the colloquium, including information on the mandatory registration process.

      Das Kolloquium kann nicht belegt werden, wenn bereits Leistungspunkte über 272073 "Seminar in Economic Policy: Data Processing and Analysis" erworben wurden.

    Kompetenzbereiche Betriebs- und Volkswirtschaftslehre

    • Seminar Praxis der wissenschaftlichen Unternehmensberatung (273007)

      Blockveranstaltung (Gruppe 1)Gulden
      (Gruppe 2)Rupieper
      (Gruppe 3)Thomsen

      Das Seminar findet in Kooperation mit der Rossmann GmbH statt und dient der kritischen Auseinandersetzung mit gegenwärtigen Herausforderungen im (Handels-)Unternehmen. Details werden im Seminarsteckbrief bekanntgegeben.


      Das Seminar findet als Blockveranstaltung statt. Einzelheiten zu den Themen und Anmeldemodalitäten werden auf der Institutshomepage bekanntgegeben.

      Die Auftaktveranstaltung erfolgt in der vorlesungsfreien Zeit.

      Prüfer: Prof. Dr. Thomsen

    Master Wirtschaftswissenschaft

    Kompetenzbereich (Area) Economic Policy and Theory

    • Foundations of Economic Policy (372001)

      Mi. 12:45 - 14:15 | I-301Schröder

      Vorläufige Gliederung

      • Abschnitt 1: Aktuelles Wahlthema
      • Abschnitt 2: Vorbemerkungen und Einleitung
      • Abschnitt 3: Rahmenbedingungen der Wirtschaftspolitik
      • Abschnitt 4: Wohlfahrtstheoretische Grundlagen
      • Abschnitt 5: Marktversagen und Gefangenendilemma
      • Abschnitt 6: Die Bedeutung des Marktes und Markteingriffe
      • Abschnitt 7: Was soll wissenschaftliche Politikberatung leisten?


      • Weimann, J.: Wirtschaftspolitik, Allokation und kollektive Entscheidung, 5. Auflage, Springer Verlag, 2009 (auch 4. Auflage möglich, verfügbar bei Springer-Online)

      Weitere Literatur zu den Kapiteln wird in der Vorlesung bekanntgegeben.

    • Exercise: Foundations of Economic Policy (372016)

      Fr. 14:30 - 16:00 | I-301Bruns, Meier
    • Incentives to Innovate (372017)

      Di. 12:45 - 14:15 | I-342Schröder

      The course covers game theoretic models and empirical evidence on the effect of incentives on performance throughout the innovation process.

      The course covers the following topics:

      • A general principal-agent framework applied to the context of innovation
      • Incentives for entrepreneurs
      • Incentives for innovation within firms
      • Policy interventions and innovation


      A list of references to relevant research papers will be provided.

    • Exercise Incentives to Innovate (372018)

      Mi. 11:00 - 12:30 | I-301Römer

    Mehrere Kompetenzbereiche (Areas)

    • Lecture Series: Financial Markets and the Global Challenges (379059)

      Di. 16:15 - 17:45 | I-401Blaufus, Dierkes, Dräger, Foege, Gassebner, Prokopczuk, Schneider, Schöndube, Schröder, Sibbertsen, Todtenhaupt

      Financial markets are the backbone of the economy. The world is facing many challenges such as climate change, crime and international conflicts, ageing societies or economic disruptions. In this lecture series, faculty members of the School of Economics and Management will discuss how financial markets are related and/or might provide means to tackle these challenges.

    • Advances in Distribution Theory (379060)


      The students deepen their knowledge of basic statistics. The students intensify their knowledge of the topic “Income Distribution” and learn new knowledge about theories related to the topic-specific contents of the course (Income Inequality, Income Measurement Theory, Income Redistribution and Public Policy).

      1. Modeling Income Density Functions: Fitted Distributions, Log-Normal Distribution
      2. Goodness of Fit Measures: Mean Absolute Deviation, Mean Squared Error, Chi-squared, K-S Statistic
      3. Alternative Income Density Models: Log-Logistic Model, Singh-Maddala Model, Dagum Model, Champernowne 5-parameter Model
      4. Summary Measures for Distributions: Mean, Median, Mode
      5. Income Inequality: Gini, Coefficient of Variation, Theil Measure, Atkinson Measure, Discrete Measures
      6. Redistribution of Income
      7. Welfare Programs and Reform: Policy Feedback, Equivalence Scales

      Campano, F., and Salvatore, D. (2006). Income Distribution, 1st edition, Oxford University Press.


      The course will be given by international guest lecturer Gary A. Hoover in June.

      The exact dates will be announced in time in Stud.IP.

      Leistungsnachweis, nur für Promotionsstudierende: fachspezifische Prüfungsform (wird in der Veranstaltung bekannt gegeben).

      Die Klausur findet für Masterstudierende am Montag, den 22.07.2024 von 09.30-10.30 Uhr statt.

    • Behavioral Economics of Poverty (379071)

      Mo. 16:15 - 17:45 | I-401Flores Taipe

      Starting with the Sustainable Development Goals, poverty is one of the greatest challenges to tackle by most governments and non-government organizations across the globe. Most of the efforts to study and alleviate poverty focus on physical poverty (i.e., lack of monetary resources or lack of assets). Although relevant, material poverty is not the only phenomenon that individuals suffer. Biased preferences and beliefs or limited mental capacity also contribute to creating poverty. Giving money to the poor via cash transfers or subsidies could alleviate material poverty, but does it also influence the state of mind? This is one of the questions the seminar aims to answer. It will provide an introduction to a variety of psychosocial determinants of poverty. We will study how they affect the general population and their contribution to preventing individuals from escaping a detrimental cycle. We also explore different alternatives to improve a detrimental situation. The seminar would be interactive. It will include dynamic presentations, class discussions, and multimedia materials.


      The primary textbook for the course is:

      • Mullainathan, S. and Shafi, E. (2013): Scarcity: The True Cost of Not Having Enough, Thirteenth Edition. Penguin Books.

      Additional sources

      • Banerjee, A. and Duflo, E. (2011): Poor Economics: A Radical Rethinking of the Way to Fight Global Poverty, Public Affairs.
      • Dweck, C. (2017): Mindset: Changing the way you think to fulfill your potential. Twelveth Edition, Random House
    • Exercise Behavioral Economics of Poverty (379072)

      Mi. 16:15 - 17:45 | I-301Flores Taipe


    1. Bereich: Fachliche Kompetenzen

    • Advances in Distribution Theory (379060)


      The students deepen their knowledge of basic statistics. The students intensify their knowledge of the topic “Income Distribution” and learn new knowledge about theories related to the topic-specific contents of the course (Income Inequality, Income Measurement Theory, Income Redistribution and Public Policy).

      1. Modeling Income Density Functions: Fitted Distributions, Log-Normal Distribution
      2. Goodness of Fit Measures: Mean Absolute Deviation, Mean Squared Error, Chi-squared, K-S Statistic
      3. Alternative Income Density Models: Log-Logistic Model, Singh-Maddala Model, Dagum Model, Champernowne 5-parameter Model
      4. Summary Measures for Distributions: Mean, Median, Mode
      5. Income Inequality: Gini, Coefficient of Variation, Theil Measure, Atkinson Measure, Discrete Measures
      6. Redistribution of Income
      7. Welfare Programs and Reform: Policy Feedback, Equivalence Scales

      Campano, F., and Salvatore, D. (2006). Income Distribution, 1st edition, Oxford University Press.


      The course will be given by international guest lecturer Gary A. Hoover in June.

      The exact dates will be announced in time in Stud.IP.

      Leistungsnachweis, nur für Promotionsstudierende: fachspezifische Prüfungsform (wird in der Veranstaltung bekannt gegeben).

      Die Klausur findet für Masterstudierende am Montag, den 22.07.2024 von 09.30-10.30 Uhr statt.

    2. Bereich: Interdisziplinarität und Schlüsselkompetenzen

    • Publishing in Academic Journals (573101)

      BlockveranstaltungFoege, Thomsen

      Dieser Kurs verschafft Teilnehmenden eine Übersicht über (1) das Publizieren in Fachzeitschriften, (2) die Struktur solcher Fachartikel, (3) dem Review-Prozess inklusive des Lesens und Verstehens eines Decision Letters eines Editors und (4) dem Verfassen eines Response Letters auf ein solches Schreiben.


      Wright, M., Ketchen Jr, D. J., & Clark, T. (Eds.). (2020). How to get published in the best management journals. Edward Elgar Publishing.

      Paltridge, B., & Starfield, S. (2016). Getting published in academic journals: Navigating the publication process. University of Michigan Press.


      Prüfer: Prof. Dr. Foege und Prof. Dr. Thomsen

      Leistungsnachweis: Präsentation

    3. Bereich: Wissenschaftliche Kompetenzen

    • Doktorandenseminar Wirtschaftspolitik (574010)

      Mi. 09:15 - 10:45 | I-332Schröder

      Within the doctoral seminar, doctoral students present their own research projects using different presentation formats, e.g., elevator pitches, short and long presentations and poster presentations. Peer students will provide structured feedback on the presented research, e.g. in the form of referee reports or discussion slides.



    • The German Economy and the European Union (77101)

      BlockveranstaltungBerkholz, Bruns

      This course will provide a description of the performance of the German economy in the past and an analysis of its recent development. A special focus will be given to institutions and regulations. The following topics will be included: some historical backgrounds, the economic system and its sector, the German labor market, constitutional elements of the social security system, Germanys integration into the European Union, its development and institutions, and the World Economy. Classwork will refer to aspects of the cultural, political and educational systems and policy integration.


      Will be provided.


      This course is part of the HISSEMA. More information can be obtained from HISSEMA/GUEST Coordinator, Ms. Franziska Braschke (Room I-103).


    • Research Seminar Financial Markets and the Global Challenges (77782)

      Mi. 11:00 - 12:30 | I-442Blaufus, Dierkes, Dräger, Foege, Gassebner, Prokopczuk, Schneider, Schöndube, Schröder, Sibbertsen, Todtenhaupt

      External guests present their latest research

All courses of the institute