Coordinator and Contact Person

30167 Hannover

The master's thesis is an independent scientific work on an economic policy issue. The methodological focus should preferably be quantitative-empirical. We provide targeted support in the provision of and access to scientifically usable data. In addition to empirical work, theoretical and exclusively literature-based work is also possible. We currently prefer to supervise topics in the areas of: evaluations of reforms of the higher education system; higher education expansion and social inequality; minimum wage and crime; housing markets and policies; gender differences in science; and social market economy. However, your own suggestions are of course possible as well. Within the subject areas, we give you the freedom to choose the specific research question and welcome independent development of the specific topic of the thesis. We therefore recommend that you consider which research question you are particularly interested in and how you would like to work on it before contacting us. A thesis in English is welcome.